Determination of training, workload and work experience on performance government internal oversight apartment (APIP) Regional Inspectorate at the Province of Riau Islands with motivation as an intervening variable
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Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of training, workload, and work experience on the performance of government internal audit apparatus (APIP) of Regional Inspectorates in Riau Islands Province with Motivation as an Intervening Variable. The hypothesis proposed that training determines Performance, Workload determines Performance, Work Experience determines Performance, Training determines Motivation, Workload determines Motivation, Work Experience determines Motivation, Training determines Performance through Motivation, Workload determines Performance through Motivation, Work Experience determines Performance through Motivation, Motivation determines performance.
Methods: The population in this study was all APIP Regional Inspectorates in the Riau Islands Province. A total of 151 respondents were included in the study. The data obtained were analyzed using data analysis techniques with SEM AMOS 24 software.
Results: The results showed the effect of training on performance. CR = 10.416 > 2.000 and probability = 0.000 < 0.05, indicated significance. Determination of Workload on Performance. CR = 3.953 > 2.000 and probability = 0.000 < 0.05, indicate significance. Determination of Work Experience on Performance. CR = 5.541 > 2.000 and probability = 0.000 < 0.05, indicate significance. Determination of Training on Motivation: CR = 3.886 > 2.000 and Probability = 0.000 < 0.05, indicating significance. The determination of workload on motivation (CR = 1.595 < 2.000 and probability = 0.111 > 0.05) indicated no significance. Determination of the effect of Work Experience on Motivation. CR = 2.590 and probability = 0.010 < 0.05, indicating significance. Determination of Motivation on Performance: CR = 2.043 > 2.000 and Probability = 0.046 < 0.05, indicating significance. Determination of Training on Performance through Motivation with Sobel Test = 1.965 > 1.96 and Two Tailed probability = 0.049 < 0.05, indicating significance. Determination of Workload on Performance through Motivation with Sobel Test = 1.246 < 1.96 and two-tailed probability = 0.212 > 0.05, indicating no significance. Determination of Work Experience on Performance through Motivation with Sobel Test = 1.976 > 1.96 and Two Tailed probability = 0.048 < 0.05, indicating significance.