The influence of independence, competence and organizational commitment on local device compliance through the quality of inspectorate APIP supervision Riau Islands Province

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Aprianingsih Aprianingsih
Ngaliman Ngaliman
Sarmini Sarmini


Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of Independence, Competence and Organizational Commitment on Regional Device Compliance through the Quality of APIP Supervision of the Regional Inspectorate of Riau Islands Province. Respondents in this study were the Spending Treasurer, Junior Expert Planner and Head of the General and Personnel Subdivision at the Riau Islands Province Regional Apparatus as many as 129 people.

Research Methodology: Sample selection using the census method. Data analysis with inferential statistics using SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) regarding hypothesis testing, as well as discussion of the results of hypothesis testing and Path Analysis. This study uses path analysis to examine the relationship patterns that reveal the influence of variables on other variables, both direct and indirect. The calculation of the path coefficient in this study was assisted by Smart PLS Ver. 3.0.

Results: Based on the research results, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) The effect of the Independence variable on Regional Apparatus Compliance is insignificant, with a T-statistic value of 1.447 and P-values of 0.148> 0.05. (2) The effect of the Competency variable on Regional Apparatus Compliance is significant with a T Statistics value of 5.227 and P-Values of 0.000 <0.05. (3) The effect of the Organizational Commitment variable on Regional Apparatus Compliance is significant with a T Statistics value of 2.045 and P-Values of 0.041 <0.05. (4) The effect of the Independence variable on the Quality of Supervision is significant with a T Statistics value of 4.698 and P-Values of 0.000 <0.05. (5) The effect of the Competence variable on the Quality of Supervision is significant with a T Statistics value of 16.694 and P-Values of 0.000 <0.05. (6) The effect of the Organizational Commitment variable on Supervisory Quality is significant with a T Statistics P-Values value of 4.766 and 0.000 <0.05. (7) The effect of the Supervision Quality variable on Compliance is significant with a T Statistics value of 2.564 and P-Values of 0.011 <0.05. (8) The indirect effect of Independence on Compliance of Regional Apparatus which is intervened by the Quality of Supervision is significant with a T statistical value of 2.044> 1.96 and a P Value of 0.041 <0.05. (9) The indirect effect of Competence on Compliance of Regional Apparatus which is intervened by the Quality of Supervision is significant with a statistical T value of 2.588> 1.96 and a P Value of 0.010 <0.05. (10) The indirect effect of Organizational Commitment on Regional Apparatus Compliance intervened by Supervisory Quality is significant with a statistical T value of 2.355> 1.96 and a P Value of 0.019 <0.05.

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