The effect of transactional leadership, workload, and career development on the work motivation of structural officers in the Province of Riu Island with merit system as moderating variable

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Yudi Febriansyah
Bambang Satriawan
Mohamad Gita Indrawan


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Transactional Leadership, Workload and Career Development on Work Motivation of Structural Officials in the Riau Islands Provincial Government with the Merit System as a moderating variable, totaling 172 employees.

Research Methodology: The sample used in this study was the entire population of 172 employees of the Riau Islands Provincial Government. In this study, the sampling technique used was nonprobability sampling with the technique taken, namely saturated sampling (census). The research method uses a quantitative approach with the analysis of Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis techniques with the SmartPLS version 4.0 program.

Results: The results indicate that Transactional Leadership has a positive and significant effect on Work Motivation. Workload has a positive and significant effect on Work Motivation. Career Development had a positive and significant effect on Work Motivation. The merit System has a positive and significant effect on Work Motivation. The Merit System can moderate the influence of Transactional Leadership on Work Motivation. The Merit System cannot moderate the influence of Workload on Work Motivation. The Merit System can moderate the influence of Career Development on Work Motivation.

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